Our Events

The Pubbliemme Group, LaC Tv and LaCNews24 synergistically handled the communication, as well as being its media partner, of the international event “South and Futures” organized by the Magna Grecia Association, celebrated in its third edition on September 9, 10 and 11, 2021 at the Ruffo Castle in Scilla, contributing to the dissemination of the International Annual Meeting in Scilla on TV, social, web, outdoor and digital adv.

Also counting during the event is the organization of workshops focused on strategic issues for the renewal project of Southern Italy.

More than 60 guests of international caliber to discuss legality, development, investment in people and infrastructure, National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (PNRR) new narrative of the South, the role of women and collaborative perspectives for a United Italy in the post-pandemic restart.

Many speeches oriented to (r)innovate the Mezzogiorno: from the journalist, essayist and historian, Paolo Mieli to Antonio Padellaro, president and columnist of Il Fatto Quotidiano, to journalists Paola Bottero and Alessandro Russo; from Antonio Baldassarre, President Emeritus of the Constitutional Court to Antonella Polimeni, First Rector of the history La Sapienza University of Rome. Also, director Mimmo Calopresti, entrepreneur Santo Versace, Svimez President Adriano Giannola, Pubbliemme Group General Manager Maria Grazia Falduto and Pubbliemme Group President and publisher of the LaC network Domenico Maduli.

For the 10th edition of the Caccuri Literary Prize, organized by the Accademia dei Caccuriani from August 6 to 10, 2021 held in the village of Caccuri, the Pubbliemme Group, the LaC network and the Diemmecom Publishing Company were once again media partners and proponents of the event’s crossmedia campaign.

Distributed throughout the country, the campaign helped to significantly enhance the importance of the event, coninvolving large outdoor formats in the most beautiful squares and strategic points of the cities, digital circuits of Lamezia Terme International Airport, urban digital led wall installations. And not only. TV, social and web, but also the newspapers published by Diemmecom gave ample space to the event that arrived with great acclaim to its tenth year.

The five days were recounted by the LaC network with reports and in-depth coverage, up to the final evening presented by LaC TV journalist Francesca Lagoteta and singer-songwriter Luca Barbarossa.

On the occasion of the 9th edition of the Caccuri Literary Prize , Pubbliemme Group and the publishing company Diemmecom strongly wanted to enhance the qualities and importance of the non-fiction contest through an intense cross-media communication campaign and by becoming its media partner.

From outdoor advertising to the digital circuits of the Lamezia Terme International Airport to urban digital led wall installations, the Pubbliemme Group has given ample space to the promotion of the event awarded by the President of the Republic with the medal for cultural value.

Through the web news outlet LaC News24, the television station LaC Tv and the group’s various social media outlets, Diemmecom recounted every detail of these six days dense with events and prestigious guests in the medieval village of Caccuri. Live broadcasts, interviews, meetings and insights on literature, theater, archaeology, music, food and wine, technological innovation, ethnobotany, Calabrian writing and music enriched this extraordinary edition, culminating with the live streaming on lacnews24.it of the final evening of the most important essay contest in Italy.

Storytelling, communication and information met in 2022 at Link, Tropea Communication Meeting: two evenings of journalism and entertainment to decline “pride and prejudice,” the theme of the event. Telling a new Calabria, or rather the Calabria we are proud of: this was the goal of the major event organized by ViaCondotti21, LaC Network and Diemmecom with the partnership of the City of Tropea and the Magna Grecia Foundation.

On Friday, July 22 at Palazzo Santa Chiara, it began with “Communicating a New Civic Protagonism”, which was attended by Marcello Ravveduto, professor at the University of Salerno, RAI journalist Paolo Di Giannantonio, Magna Grecia Foundation President Nino Foti, journalist Angela Iantosca and Antonio Nicaso, professor at Queen’s University, connected directly from Vancouver. It continued with “Rewriting a New South Beyond Prejudices,” with journalists Paolo Mieli and Antonio Padellaro and Calabria Region President Roberto Occhiuto.

On Saturday 23 July, in the suggestive Amphitheater of the port of Tropea, “LaCalabriaVisione” was staged: pride beyond prejudice in a crescendo of music, information, insights, culture, entertainment. The talk with the Catanzaro Prosecutor Nicola Gratteri was an important moment. Special guests were the thirty young people of the Amerigo Vespucci Orchestra. During the evening, Alessandro Russo, editorial director of the network, Pier Paolo Cambareri, director of LaC News24, Manuela Serra, chief editor of LaC News 24, Enrico De Girolamo, deputy director of LaC News24, were rewarded for their commitment to reporting on Calabria. , Alessandro Stella, editor-in-chief of LaC TV news, Pietro Bellantoni, director of Reggino, Giuseppe Baglivo, director of Vibonese, Franco Cilurzo, director of LaC TV network and the journalist Franco Laratta.